"Amy Grant"...
"We pour out our miseries God just hears a melody
Beautiful the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts " are better than a hallelujah sometimes.
My prayer to God
I can not do it all.
I feel like a failure !
I surrender it all.
The list
The lists on my shoulders I can't carry.
Hows my Kids doin ?
How's there health ?
Schooling ?
Keep a record of all travel
File taxes
Buy groceries
Clean the house
Maybe eat.
Is there enough of me for everybody
I try. I crack. I fail.
I hurt I hurt others.
I try I fail.
"Beautiful the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts ...
Are ( hopefully ) better than a Hallelujah sometimes "
Monday, July 16, 2012
I told him he was fabulous. That everything about him was fabulous. I showed him he was fabulous But he didn't believe it himself. And you just can't make someone see themselves the way you see them.
The old tapes play in there head and they believe you think they are garbage because they think they are garbage when in fact you believe they are fabulous
But they just don't believe.
Oh God open blind eyes. !!!
The old tapes play in there head and they believe you think they are garbage because they think they are garbage when in fact you believe they are fabulous
But they just don't believe.
Oh God open blind eyes. !!!
Friday, April 27, 2012
If you had walked a mile in my shoes
If you had walked the halls with babies crying in your arms. You would not hate or judge them as they became teens.
If you had experienced the death and grief of so many you loved. Your heart would have softened and you would have empathy to put yourself in another's shoes.
If you were able to put yourself in my shoes. To walk a mile with me you would feel and see the hurt I have endured as I tried to love you deeply putting myself aside.
I have encountered rejection and betrayal.
I have continued to forgive and love.
And although I have failed you. You have failed me too.
Love and forgiveness remain in my heart towards you.
Bitterness for words spoken in anger do not supersede my love for you.
I see your heart.
I wish you would see mine too.
If you had walked the halls with babies crying in your arms. You would not hate or judge them as they became teens.
If you had experienced the death and grief of so many you loved. Your heart would have softened and you would have empathy to put yourself in another's shoes.
If you were able to put yourself in my shoes. To walk a mile with me you would feel and see the hurt I have endured as I tried to love you deeply putting myself aside.
I have encountered rejection and betrayal.
I have continued to forgive and love.
And although I have failed you. You have failed me too.
Love and forgiveness remain in my heart towards you.
Bitterness for words spoken in anger do not supersede my love for you.
I see your heart.
I wish you would see mine too.
More and more I am coming across blogs, articles, email newsletters, that are saying the same thing a different way. It's the message of living a life of love. Opposite to a life of ego and focus on self. The people I have admired in life all lived for others or lived for love one way or another. Jesus. Mother Theresa. Lady Diana. Mandela. Jacob. And yes I try. And fall way short. We get drawn into ego fights as the majority of our world lives in ego. Inflated self.
When we want to live in love without ego we can easily either become self righteous and judgmental of those who are not. Or we can get pulled into there way when our hearts desire is the opposite. Or we can become discouraged and despairing of a world that just doesn't get it.
This blogger I think spoke my heart well. The following article by Steve Mcswain. ( hope I haven't spelled that wrong as I'm a novice at blogging ). But it's the heart of the message I'm trying to convey not the letter. So here it is copied below.
As with most great movies, there are many parallels to our shared experience as human beings in the most recent blockbuster, "The Hunger Games."
I loved this movie. And now, I must read the books.
In one of the film's many memorable scenes, Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), co-star who is in love with Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and who survives with her the perils of the games, discuss the most likely outcome to the games on the night before they begin.
Peeta says to Katniss, "If I'm going to die, I want to still be me."
When you die, that is precisely how you will. As yourself.
If death accomplishes anything, it succeeds in bringing an end to the illusions of who you and I really are. There's a sense in which, for example, Saint Paul missed it, when he likened death to "the last enemy." Death is an enemy and one could argue it is the last enemy. But death is only an enemy to the illusions. Hence, death is is only ever an enemy to the ego in you. It could never be your enemy.
What is ego? Your make-believe self, social mask, or you might think of it as the "false" self --the "you" that isn't really you but the "you," you mistakenly think is you.
You are not, however, the image you see in a mirror -- what Albert Einstein described as "the optical illusion in consciousness." If you have read "The Enoch Factor," you know I discuss all of this at length in the book.
The image you see in a mirror is dying and one day will disappear altogether. It takes no "hunger games" to achieve this. Death is your intended destiny.
Furthermore, you are not the voice in your head -- the thoughts you think, conditioned mostly by your upbringing. They, too, will die. And yet, isn't it interesting, that virtually everyone mistakenly thinks that they are their thoughts?
You are not your name, title, career, achievements and so forth. None of these survive death either. In other words, that which we typically regard as real is really an illusion. What we take so seriously survives but briefly. This is why the Buddha said of life, and all its trappings, "Nothing is permanent." Viktor Frankl said, "The meaning of life must be understood in terms of its temporality."
So, what, if anything, survives death?
You, of course. That is, the real you -- or, deeper you: the you beneath, behind and beyond form, the body, the thoughts, as well as titles and accomplishments, so easily confused with who you are. As long as you are attached to any of these transitory illusions, you will live in fear of death. Death will be to you, as Saint Paul put it, "the last enemy," or the cosmic hunger game that gobbles up all memory of you.
So I would say to Peeta, and to you, it is not a question of "If I am going to die." You will die. Nor is it a question of "Will I still be me?" The gift from death itself is the gift of being yourself. Rather than stealing life from you, death is the gate through which you enter into life. Which is, of course, why Muhammad said, "Die before you die," meaning, "Why wait till you die to begin living?" Or, in the words of Jesus, "Deny yourself," and so, by implication, live what he described elsewhere as "the abundant life." The Buddha described this death, or the denial of that which is not really real, as "Detachment."
All of these spiritual teachers are pointing to the same essential reality: Until you detach from all the illusions of who you are -- or, to put it another way, until you die before you die -- you will die a thousand deaths. Death will always be a terrifying monster: the "last enemy," the ultimate "hunger game."
If you make it your spiritual practice, however, to "deny yourself," "to detach," to "die" to the false self, and so experience a kind of resurrection before you die, then the reality of Easter occurs all over -- in you and not in some future time, but now. Furthermore, you make the wonderful discovery that there is no death. Nor is there any more fear of death.
How could there be? You are Eternal. Remember this today ... every day ... and so live a genuinely resurrected life. That's infinitely more meaningful than all the talk that will take place in sanctuaries around the country about the significance of Easter. You can be Easter Now!
What could be more important than this?
When we want to live in love without ego we can easily either become self righteous and judgmental of those who are not. Or we can get pulled into there way when our hearts desire is the opposite. Or we can become discouraged and despairing of a world that just doesn't get it.
This blogger I think spoke my heart well. The following article by Steve Mcswain. ( hope I haven't spelled that wrong as I'm a novice at blogging ). But it's the heart of the message I'm trying to convey not the letter. So here it is copied below.
As with most great movies, there are many parallels to our shared experience as human beings in the most recent blockbuster, "The Hunger Games."
I loved this movie. And now, I must read the books.
In one of the film's many memorable scenes, Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), co-star who is in love with Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and who survives with her the perils of the games, discuss the most likely outcome to the games on the night before they begin.
Peeta says to Katniss, "If I'm going to die, I want to still be me."
When you die, that is precisely how you will. As yourself.
If death accomplishes anything, it succeeds in bringing an end to the illusions of who you and I really are. There's a sense in which, for example, Saint Paul missed it, when he likened death to "the last enemy." Death is an enemy and one could argue it is the last enemy. But death is only an enemy to the illusions. Hence, death is is only ever an enemy to the ego in you. It could never be your enemy.
What is ego? Your make-believe self, social mask, or you might think of it as the "false" self --the "you" that isn't really you but the "you," you mistakenly think is you.
You are not, however, the image you see in a mirror -- what Albert Einstein described as "the optical illusion in consciousness." If you have read "The Enoch Factor," you know I discuss all of this at length in the book.
The image you see in a mirror is dying and one day will disappear altogether. It takes no "hunger games" to achieve this. Death is your intended destiny.
Furthermore, you are not the voice in your head -- the thoughts you think, conditioned mostly by your upbringing. They, too, will die. And yet, isn't it interesting, that virtually everyone mistakenly thinks that they are their thoughts?
You are not your name, title, career, achievements and so forth. None of these survive death either. In other words, that which we typically regard as real is really an illusion. What we take so seriously survives but briefly. This is why the Buddha said of life, and all its trappings, "Nothing is permanent." Viktor Frankl said, "The meaning of life must be understood in terms of its temporality."
So, what, if anything, survives death?
You, of course. That is, the real you -- or, deeper you: the you beneath, behind and beyond form, the body, the thoughts, as well as titles and accomplishments, so easily confused with who you are. As long as you are attached to any of these transitory illusions, you will live in fear of death. Death will be to you, as Saint Paul put it, "the last enemy," or the cosmic hunger game that gobbles up all memory of you.
So I would say to Peeta, and to you, it is not a question of "If I am going to die." You will die. Nor is it a question of "Will I still be me?" The gift from death itself is the gift of being yourself. Rather than stealing life from you, death is the gate through which you enter into life. Which is, of course, why Muhammad said, "Die before you die," meaning, "Why wait till you die to begin living?" Or, in the words of Jesus, "Deny yourself," and so, by implication, live what he described elsewhere as "the abundant life." The Buddha described this death, or the denial of that which is not really real, as "Detachment."
All of these spiritual teachers are pointing to the same essential reality: Until you detach from all the illusions of who you are -- or, to put it another way, until you die before you die -- you will die a thousand deaths. Death will always be a terrifying monster: the "last enemy," the ultimate "hunger game."
If you make it your spiritual practice, however, to "deny yourself," "to detach," to "die" to the false self, and so experience a kind of resurrection before you die, then the reality of Easter occurs all over -- in you and not in some future time, but now. Furthermore, you make the wonderful discovery that there is no death. Nor is there any more fear of death.
How could there be? You are Eternal. Remember this today ... every day ... and so live a genuinely resurrected life. That's infinitely more meaningful than all the talk that will take place in sanctuaries around the country about the significance of Easter. You can be Easter Now!
What could be more important than this?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
When I first started this blog I posted one comment which said i didn't know how to blog. And there it sat stagnant for over a year. Then I started to copy and paste things I found elsewhere that touched me or that I believed in.
This week I finally found the time to put in all of Jacobs quotes that I could find In honour of him (I had wanted to do this for some time now) and so with that accomplished here I am at a new place. I envisioned this blog always
to be a place I would write my heart. But I knew I wasn't ready yet. However now after just filling the pages for a long time like a life support machine. I am ready to take the dream where I see it. Today is the beginning of where my voice will be heard. Not someone elses quote. Even though I love them. Now I need to write. And tell a tale of the heart. And this is my heart .
This week I finally found the time to put in all of Jacobs quotes that I could find In honour of him (I had wanted to do this for some time now) and so with that accomplished here I am at a new place. I envisioned this blog always
to be a place I would write my heart. But I knew I wasn't ready yet. However now after just filling the pages for a long time like a life support machine. I am ready to take the dream where I see it. Today is the beginning of where my voice will be heard. Not someone elses quote. Even though I love them. Now I need to write. And tell a tale of the heart. And this is my heart .
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Hear his heart and feel his love... and pass it on.--------- JACOBS LIFE. !!! Love you Jacob. Xo
Rain falls to the earth like too many souls poured over the creation....Some of it pools in mud. Some of it pools with fresh water. Just the same, it's all rain. It's all soul and the place it lands, dictates its existence. Or does it? A rain drop can't grow legs and walk on over to the fresh water but a soul can. I love the rain and I love the soul." Jacob's last post 10/17. RIP JACOB HEYNEN
I will do my best to live with an open heart. I can't make any promises but I will trust that the good work that has begun in me, will see itself to the finish line.
I'll focus on keeping the light burning.-Jacob Heynen
I'll focus on keeping the light burning.-Jacob Heynen
OH JACOB !!! Love them until they remember how to love on their own. Love them until they remember what they once had. Love them back into the places that were forgotten. Love be and love become. As love is, love forever shall be."-Jacob Heynen. RIP
Walk in the rain with me a bit would you? It's not too cold and it's not pouring down. Trust me, it is a good feeling to let a thousand drops of water strike your body. Feel each one as it is cast from miles up in the sky. Just let go and stand with the rain as it falls. Don't let it fall alone."-Jacob Heynen
"To those with a name: Each new day brings its moon and sun and I say "It's beautiful"....but you carry these days with the glory that is in your heart, the light that is in your smile and the blessing that is in your eyes. To you and what you bring, I say "You are the sun and the moon of my life. You are my light.""- Jacob Heynen
THIS IS THE BEST I'VE EVER READ. "If I tell you that I love you...you might not hear. If I show that you I love....you may not see. If I let you touch my heart, that beats for you, you may not feel. Not until you see yourself as lovely, will you ever understand what I feel for you.". BY JACOB HEYNEN
" Words....words create the pictures in my mind, the beauty and feeling in my heart. Words are the world of limitless possibility and it is hard to live anywhere else." - Jacob Heynen
Do not let any voice speak louder than the voice of your own spirit. Learn to trust your voice. Yes you will get burnt by it but your experiences will teach you to travel in the world and eventually you will become great on your own. Remember, you are the best guide for your two traveling feet.
"I've been called many things but I am neither a name nor a label. I am a soul and nothing sticks to the absence of flesh or the perfection of heart. Just try and paint the wind?"
"If just one is able, then all are. Through brokenness, each and every being will be made strong. Pass through the flames of love and be revealed. All weak ideas will die off, when placed against love's character. All people will live and remain because love becomes them. If you have seen the loving, you have seen our father. The loving are one with him."
I've seen the hateful and I've seen the loving and I want them both... to have their place of peace.- Jacob Heynen
Ashamed of reality or owning and accepting reality.....Its the truth that we hate because the truth is messy, vulnerable, and naked as can be. Shame says "Quick! Cover that up! I don't want to look at that and no one wants to see!" Owning and accepting says, "So what, everyone does it. It's perfectly normal."-Jacob Heynen
Why does an infraction demand a penalty? What if the penalty is something humanity designed? Is shame in the heart of the penalizer, not enough to bear? But others desire to dictate a righteous judgement, a judgement that is greater than the internal judge of the heart. We don't have the restraint to judge others appropriately. We take it too far and make the infraction personal. We end up issuing violence and we call that justice? True justice is decided in the individual heart. The wrong is lived with every day and they suffer with the memory. Who are we to judge those who have already judged themselves?-Jacob Heynen
When God is nowhere to be found.......I find you. You are my source, my love, my friend, my family, my son, my daughter....You are my people and my truth and in return, you show me who I am to you. Take some credit for what you do because you are great mothers, fathers, sons, daughters....-Jacob Heynen
I see them mostly because they are in pain. The others do well on their own but I see the ones who can not live up to the expectations that others excel in. I see them because I am one of them. I see and wonder how anyone could ever believe that God would damn children who have fallen and are crying on their knees. I will never damn you and even if I am gone someday, my love will be the decision that is set in stone, just for you. Rest assured, I learned my character, that is of the highest quality, from my father. I am who I am because he was before me and I learned the way that he established. There is no distinction between my love and his. Love is equal.-Jacob Heynen. I love you
A little boy once asked a question in the darkness of his room, "God, who are you?"
There in the silence came the reply, "I am you."
The boy was confused but said, "It must be sad then, being you?"
From the stillness the voice spoke again, "It's true. It is sad being you but it doesn't have to be."
The boy looked down and his eyes were heavy now as he said, "What can I do to be happy?"
The voice said, "Grab a mirror and look at me in you. Realize that you are true and you are never alone. You see me as powerful but you must see that the powerful one is you. Go, dear child, and love your heart back to health. Go and find the true wealth of your heart as it is coupled with mine."
Sometimes the boy dreams that conversations like this one actually did take place but then he remembers that no voice has ever come from outer space. He sees that no one speaks and so he takes the words of his heart and calls them God's.
Poor poor child....I love you so much....and I am sorry that you had to learn that the heart of God was on the tip of your tongue all of this time. I am sorry that you were never told that you were great beyond compare and that you could love yourself with the very words and imagination that were stored up in your heart from birth.
The world made me feel like a dirty beggar but I am a King.-Jacob Heynen ( you are a king )
My thoughts are constant, never ceasing, and all the thought process of God and my life, leaves me speechless. I have always believed that my prayers have been more the constant cry from my heart and mind. For me, when the heart and mind become too full, then the cry comes rushing out in voice.
The voice said, "Cast me out over the water and I will fade before I reach a single ear but build me a boat and I will be carried to every ear in creation." Find your voice but let it be carried by love.- Jacob Heynen RIP
Be thankful for anger. This tool requires a skilled mind and spirit to put it into its most useful practices. At first, things will get broken, feelings will get hurt, and great strains will be formed. Keep on taming anger though, because this lion will never just go away. Train the anger and realize that it is a modus for change. These things that dwell within, all have a great purpose. Anger can effect the greatest changes as lovers rise with a shout, instead of a fist. Like carefully channeled electricity is used to power a light bulb, unchanneled electricity kills and maims.-Jacob Heynen
Limitation is a beast. What if there is not one kingdom but what if each of us is a kingdom of his/her own? What if we are each our own kingdom? What if we are the judge of our own kingdom and what if we can make it hell or heaven for others and ourselves? Don't we kind of do this? Don't we create hell for our selves and others when we hate them? Don't we create heaven for ourselves and for others when we are kind in love? This is only a thought, that I am willing to admit to the possibility of. We are the judge of what we issue. Believe it or not...I got this idea from the Bible....-Jacob Heynen
I believe that a world that is finding its way away from friendship with the invisible, and towards friendship with each other, is on its way to peace. :)
It's just that it is hard to be friends with someone that never speaks to you or never makes itself visible in the painful times. I found that friends were there and loved but that believers would say "God loves you". I was like "Where?" and "Why believer are you not here with me?"
But if we shift what we waste on the wind.....and bring that energy to the heart of a friend....we will find that God was not in the wind but in the friend. I love you brother and I love you sister.
What defines the invisible that speaks? Is it from beyond us? I don't think so. Is it beside us? I think not. Is it separate in any way? How could it be? For I believe the words "In this one thing, we live and move and have our being". Is it an it or is it, actually an "I"? I AM that I AM.
If it is an "It" that only speaks in the house that is "I" then the it is all that is and "I" am nothing. To declare that I am nothing is to deny myself and if God can not deny himself, then I can not deny myself either. Am I not created in his image? But yes I know that this is no debate :) I just love to speak from the mind to encourage my heart and hopefully encourage the hearts of others ?
We are all correct in the way that we see from a point that is relative to our own soul. Any belief is regarded as righteous, if there is no law to dictate that it is wrong. We are each the judge of our own kingdom, that is us. We have the power to make our kingdom, a kingdom of heaven or a kingdom of hell.....or of love or hatred, is a better way to say it.- Jacob Heynen
The big things that I don't like about this world, are the small things that I find in myself. When I reject these small things within myself, my hyprocisy becomes less and less, and others can see a change in my heart. Love traces its way through the veins of humanity as one and multiplies to infect the whole system. Love is like a blood transfusion for the soul.-Jacob Heynen
Every night, the old man would sit on the hill outside his city and watch the stars. People would come to talk to him from time to time but he would just sit and stare off into space, never giving a reply. One day a child went over and sat beside him and stared up just the same, never saying a word. The child continued to come out.
Two years passed of this silent relationship and on an exceptionally bright night, the man, still looking up, "Isn't it beautiful?.....The majesty, the stillness, the anthem of silence... child, you can learn much from what is above but you have spoken more to me in one sitting than all my nights under these stars" to which the child replied, "Thank you for teaching me to be still, because, in the stillness I have learned to listen." ======remember, it is the silent company, that some desire, more than words....the greatest words that we will ever speak are formed in the presence of silence. Love you guys ?- Jacob Heynen
Two years passed of this silent relationship and on an exceptionally bright night, the man, still looking up, "Isn't it beautiful?.....The majesty, the stillness, the anthem of silence... child, you can learn much from what is above but you have spoken more to me in one sitting than all my nights under these stars" to which the child replied, "Thank you for teaching me to be still, because, in the stillness I have learned to listen." ======remember, it is the silent company, that some desire, more than words....the greatest words that we will ever speak are formed in the presence of silence. Love you guys ?- Jacob Heynen
When the clothes come off, we are all naked. Clothing is an illusion that is placed upon reality. You aren't really Sergeant.....you just have a badge that says you are. You aren't really President....you just have a title and prestige. Pastor, your name is Jim...get over yourself. Didn't your Jesus tell you "You are not to carry a title."? This world reminds me of children and how they pretend to be something they are not. Well, it is not right to teach little kids that they need to be something other than themselves in order to be great. This teaching only builds them up to become an adult with an overinflated sense of importance in the held position,.....and this teaching leaves those who don't achieve the high status positions, in a state of failure. It is time that we regard ourselves as great in our nakedness. We don't need titles....we don't need to play games....Overinflated sense of importance in the nakedness of self is what I seek:)-Jacob Heynen
What face will you see when you look in the mirror? Will you like what you see or will you detest what is set before your eyes? This image is not definitive of you. Will you see beyond the imagined words that come quickly to mind, because you rely on the limited perception of sight...or...will you see the heart behind the eyes as it send its tears forth to stream down your face?
It's your heart that is so great and it is your heart that it is trying to escape from the pain of unacceptance, through tears! Look at how amazing your heart is! It is your will that stands in the way and it is that same will of yours that will let you enter into the chamber of the TRUE you. Knock on the door of your own heart and open it. Don't make that heart of yours suffer anymore but if you must cry....lend your tears to your loved ones and with every tear you shed, you will give them a piece of your heart. ?
The most unacceptant person you may ever encounter, may just be you and your heart will seek to run and hide from you if you do not treat it right. That heart of yours will get closed up and get cold and lonely if you let your mind imprison it.... But all it needs is for you to see it for what it is. It is the truth....it is you. Again, look at the tears and cherish them. Gaurd them. They are your heart and they will be your greatest love. Those tears are a reminder of the beauty that lays hidden inside.-Jacob Heynen PERFECT JACOB THANKYOU MY FOREVER FRIEND. !! Thankyou !
It's your heart that is so great and it is your heart that it is trying to escape from the pain of unacceptance, through tears! Look at how amazing your heart is! It is your will that stands in the way and it is that same will of yours that will let you enter into the chamber of the TRUE you. Knock on the door of your own heart and open it. Don't make that heart of yours suffer anymore but if you must cry....lend your tears to your loved ones and with every tear you shed, you will give them a piece of your heart. ?
The most unacceptant person you may ever encounter, may just be you and your heart will seek to run and hide from you if you do not treat it right. That heart of yours will get closed up and get cold and lonely if you let your mind imprison it.... But all it needs is for you to see it for what it is. It is the truth....it is you. Again, look at the tears and cherish them. Gaurd them. They are your heart and they will be your greatest love. Those tears are a reminder of the beauty that lays hidden inside.-Jacob Heynen PERFECT JACOB THANKYOU MY FOREVER FRIEND. !! Thankyou !
Who among you can love the best? It is really not a challenge. Just be you and you will do great. I believe in my own greatness and I definitely believe in yours:)-Jacob Heynen
The Bible is like bread without yeast. It is hard, flat, and will never rise.
The life...that rises, is in you. Our heart rises with every beat. Did the word become flesh, to just go back to being word again? The Bible only has life if you read it or if you breathe life into those words. The true source is you and without you, the Bible would have no life at all.
It's the same to me as saying that it is a menu and not the meal.-Jacob Heynen
The life...that rises, is in you. Our heart rises with every beat. Did the word become flesh, to just go back to being word again? The Bible only has life if you read it or if you breathe life into those words. The true source is you and without you, the Bible would have no life at all.
It's the same to me as saying that it is a menu and not the meal.-Jacob Heynen
There is a God, a daughter, a son. Know them all but find them not in the above or in the shallow below. Not in leather bound books of words, not in echoing chasms do they dwell. Only at times do they walk in the shadows but never do they hide in night or in hell. They answer when questioned and make every thing alright. You, the dear ones, are the sons and daughters of loves purest light. Make a wish on any star but know that you are the chalice that cradles the God within. You are the sons and daughters that the stars can only DREAM of outshining. Dream of who you are. Jump! You will soar.-Jacob Heynen. (Thank you Jacob )
love has not the attributes of hatred. love has an acceptance that does not use violence but sees past the violent and to the wounded heart that is lashing out. love does not imprison the wrong actions of flesh but consoles the wounded heart that perverted flesh consumed. love finds a way to redeem and preserve what hatred could only think to imprison and destroy.
There is a way that seems right to man and his heart is no longer that far from it. The old words are melting away and the new way is within us to stay.-Jacob Heynen
There is a way that seems right to man and his heart is no longer that far from it. The old words are melting away and the new way is within us to stay.-Jacob Heynen
Why is important for us to have a savior? Is it not enough that we have love? Is it not enough that we are able to love from within ourselves? But we need a savior because we were told of our lack of righteousness? But who told you that you were unclean? Who told you that you that your humanity was not fit to be near God? Will the words of men be your master forever or will you trust in the love within you to be around when all else fades away? When you pass from this plane to the next, your love will carry you away and the words of this age will fall off of you as tarnish from silver.
One thing about me you must know. It is not the words of any man or woman that reach me but it is the touch that I seek that goes along with the words. Jesus never touched me but I take his words and his way and I touch the world in his place.-Jacob Heynen
This may or may not come as a shock to most of you but the greatest search of my entire life has not been for God but for that elusive woman that loves me as much as I love her. I trust the inclinations that I can remember as far back as when I was 5 years old. :)-Jacob Heynen
Will you spend your whole life looking for God and waste the time that was meant for you and I? See yourself and others. We are more than what we once thought.- Jacob Heynen
Who is he who loves? Let him come near. Who is he who hears? Let him come near. Who is he but you and I? Let us be near. Love flows through spirit and drives spirit with life, as blood flows through flesh and drives flesh with life. Let our spirits live.-Jacob Heynen
Appreciate the flower that grows in the field but resist the urge to cut it from the ground and keep it for yourself. You will only end up being the cause of its death in the end. But if you love it that much, go and camp out with the flower, in the field. Go and visit it everyday. We are in the habit of making everything adapt to our environment and of making the objects of our affection change to suit us. This is not love. This is ownership.-Jacob Heynen
The son said, "I missed it. I wasted it all. I gave up. I failed you." Then his father said, "What are you talking about? You are here with me now. What else matters?" A son and a father are only separated by the distance between their traveling feet but there is no sever of the ties of a fathers love for his son.-Jacob Heynen
You are free to let go of anyone and everyone. Love is free and alive. Trust love enough to let it go. True love will not forget you. True love will always come back-Jacob Heynen
I once learned a language that had no words and it was through that language, that I learned to speak my own new life.-Jacob Heynen
We are living water and a source of life that is very desperately needed. We can give fresh words of life to others daily or we can hand them a scripture reference. What would you rather have?-Jacob Heynen
I had an old worship song come into my head today. It was a good one and I'm not being sarcastic. It occurred to me that the worship of those church years passed, were really for me. The music lifted my spirit to sing and I was the one being edified. Worship was the one true thing that I loved about church. I thought I was singing to God. I really was but now I realize that I was singing to the God of I AM. We can still sing and be lifted up but the lyrics don't have to be so corny. Be edified by Lady Gaga, Metalica or Eminem but just don't forget to sing:)- Jacob Heynen
Electricity brings life, light, function and yes even being. In electricity we live and move and have our being. It is all around us and we have forgotton what a magical and godlike thing that it is. It keeps us warm, safe, enables us to do GREAT things......Just a thought to provoke your minds is all and nothing more
I love earth and water. Our bodies return to the earth and the sky when we die but we have a certain spark that ignites in our bodies and we live because of it. I'm not saying that the spark is all of who God is or saying that our spirit is that spark of electricity but I do believe that the spark is definitely a hand of God.-Jacob Heynen
I love earth and water. Our bodies return to the earth and the sky when we die but we have a certain spark that ignites in our bodies and we live because of it. I'm not saying that the spark is all of who God is or saying that our spirit is that spark of electricity but I do believe that the spark is definitely a hand of God.-Jacob Heynen
The projection of humanitys ideas into the world to describe God, is called a cannon for good reason. Cannons kill. Put down the cannons that were created to bring all men into submission to the projected truth of but a few and let the SPIRITS of all men and women write their OWN way into freedom. There is no better way than the way of your own heart. Find your heart and write your way into all truth.- Jacob Heynen
One child fell. Love noticed. One child fell. Love was there. One child fell. Love asked you to be be its vehicle. Pick up love. Help love pick up the world.-Jacob Heynen
Stand with the ones who stand with you. The greatest pillars stand together at equal heights, to hold up the roof they know and love.- Jacob Heynen
I would never stand idle and watch my children get abused. I would take the necessary steps to protect them from harm. So why do we not do this for ourselves? Do we think that others are more valuable or important than our own being? If we love ourselves as much as our own children, we will grab the fist before it strikes us. And don't tell me that you would lend them your other cheek......Resistance is not violence.
We show love to the innocent and to those who are willing to show it first to themselves. Showing love to the hateful, has only proven by my experience, to disappear before reaching the cold heart. We will try but we will not write the way for others. We will show them but they must show themselves.-Jacob Heynen
We show love to the innocent and to those who are willing to show it first to themselves. Showing love to the hateful, has only proven by my experience, to disappear before reaching the cold heart. We will try but we will not write the way for others. We will show them but they must show themselves.-Jacob Heynen
Have you ever sat and watched sun light pass through a window and have you ever appreciated how it revealed every dust particle in the room all around you? A simple speck of illuminated dust is made beautiful by
the light. Can you accept the dirt and call it beautiful, before the light hits it?- Jacob Heynen
the light. Can you accept the dirt and call it beautiful, before the light hits it?- Jacob Heynen
Dress like the authority that binds you and find that authority is just the illusion that clothing brings. Rebellion is bound up in the heart of a child and of such is the kingdom of heaven;)- Jacob Heynen
Who else is it that calls you forth but the very heart within you? It is your heart that compels you to find love and to be love to one another. It is your heart that compels you forward to find the heart to love and it is the fate of the loving, to find that love in others, loves back. Love simply exists and we exist for love. -Jacob Heynen
Bury the word that brings forth death and if it raises to life, then let it be. If it is the word of God, let God speak it to you, not man. If man speaks it and God does not, trust the spirit of love within you to be truth and walk in it.
Trust that the spirit within you is the life that was raised from death. All other words are an empty tomb but the spirit within you lives.-Jacob Heynen
Trust that the spirit within you is the life that was raised from death. All other words are an empty tomb but the spirit within you lives.-Jacob Heynen
Disagreement can reside at the heart of peace. It takes both negative and positive to run a battery but it takes equal acceptance on both sides to run that vehicle. - Jacob Heynen
Saturday, April 21, 2012
"we pour out our miseries God just hears a melody. Beautiful the mess we are. The honest cries of breaking hearts. Are better than a hallelujah sometimes. "Amy Grant "
Friday, December 30, 2011
Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest !!!
He Weeps
So many debates
Denominationalism gave way to doctrinal debates
The ultimate Tower of Babylon
His children scatter into sects
The rivalry and division so great – He weeps
He cries out to His people, “I am Love!”
Their Sword of the spirit turned sword of righteousness impale their counterparts, tearing into the heart of God
And He weeps
His anguish unheard as the battles rage
Clanging cymbals drown out the voice of God
“I am Love!”
The fruits of the spirit shrivelled from drought
The Son blocked by the eclipse of their Babylon
The harvest yields little
And He weeps
He weeps for the deceived
As the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, their minds are also led astray
And from the Heavens above His voice resounds
“The devotion to Christ is simple and pure”
“I am Love!”
“It is finished”
The tower gives way to His once familiar voice
Alas, oneness in Him
And He weeps
For He is Love
by Rudi Taylor
Denominationalism gave way to doctrinal debates
The ultimate Tower of Babylon
His children scatter into sects
The rivalry and division so great – He weeps
He cries out to His people, “I am Love!”
Their Sword of the spirit turned sword of righteousness impale their counterparts, tearing into the heart of God
And He weeps
His anguish unheard as the battles rage
Clanging cymbals drown out the voice of God
“I am Love!”
The fruits of the spirit shrivelled from drought
The Son blocked by the eclipse of their Babylon
The harvest yields little
And He weeps
He weeps for the deceived
As the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, their minds are also led astray
And from the Heavens above His voice resounds
“The devotion to Christ is simple and pure”
“I am Love!”
“It is finished”
The tower gives way to His once familiar voice
Alas, oneness in Him
And He weeps
For He is Love
by Rudi Taylor
When I honestly ask myself which friends in my life mean the most to me, I find that they are those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share my pain and touch my wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with me in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with me in an hour of grief and loss, who can tolerate not knowing, and not try to fix things for me, the one who is just willing to sit with me in my powerlessness, that is a true friend.
Mike MyersSunday, October 30, 2011
God provides for you a time to rest and come away long enough to be fresh. Remember, the most tragic mistakes in the Bible have occurred in times when godly men—leaders, no less—took on too much, worked too long, got too tired, stretched themselves too thin, or got so caught up in their circumstances that they failed to hear the still small voice of the Lord.
Resist the temptation to burn your rest time during this season in worthless pursuits. TVs, computers and sometimes even books and magazines and one more item on the to-do list can take the place of the sleep we need to fight for. These coming days will be for us, like Elijah, time to rest and eat, rest and eat…drawing our strength from the Word until we can pull ourselves together for a long hike to the mountain! Instead of letting us wander alone in the desert full of fear and feeling whipped, God sends the angels right to where we are, and in mercy and compassion He restoreths our soul. Rest, friends, and eat.
Scripture Of The Day: "And He said to them, [As for you] come away by yourselves to a deserted place, and rest a while--for many were [continually] coming and going, and they had not even leisure enough to eat." – Mark 6:31 (AMP)
Resist the temptation to burn your rest time during this season in worthless pursuits. TVs, computers and sometimes even books and magazines and one more item on the to-do list can take the place of the sleep we need to fight for. These coming days will be for us, like Elijah, time to rest and eat, rest and eat…drawing our strength from the Word until we can pull ourselves together for a long hike to the mountain! Instead of letting us wander alone in the desert full of fear and feeling whipped, God sends the angels right to where we are, and in mercy and compassion He restoreths our soul. Rest, friends, and eat.
Scripture Of The Day: "And He said to them, [As for you] come away by yourselves to a deserted place, and rest a while--for many were [continually] coming and going, and they had not even leisure enough to eat." – Mark 6:31 (AMP)
Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you.
If you planted hope today in any hopeless heart, if someones burden was lighter because you did your part, if you caused a laugh that chased some tears away, if tonight your name is named when someone kneels to pray, then your day has been well-spent.
At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart... but not in your life.
A little boy once asked a question in the darkness of his room, "God, who are you?" There in the silence came the reply, "I am you." The boy was confused but said, "It must be sad then, being you?" From the stillness the voice spoke again, "I'ts true. It is sad being you but it doesn't have to be." The boy looked down and his eyes were heavy now as he said, "What can I do to be happy?" The voice said, "Grab a mirror and look at me in you. Realize that you are true and you are never alone. You see me as powerful but you must see that the powerful one is you. Go dear child and love your heart back to health. Go and find the true wealth of your heart as it is coupled with mine."Sometimes the boy dreams that conversations like this one, actually did take place but then he remembers that no voice has ever come from outer space. He sees that no one speaks and so he takes the words of his heart and calls them Gods. Poor poor child. I love you so much....and I am sorry that you had to learn that the heart of God was on the tip of your tongue all of this time. I am sorry that you were never told that you were great beyond compare and that you could love yourself with the very words and imagination that were stored up in your heart from birth. The world made me feel like a dirty beggar but I am a King.
~Jacob Heynen
You can never make the same mistake twice, because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, it's a choice.
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”
Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.
• The WEAK can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the STRONG" - Mahatma Gandhi
• Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future." - Lewis B. Smedes
• Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future." - Lewis B. Smedes
I am thankful for the difficult people in my life.
They have shown me exactly who I don't want to be.
They have shown me exactly who I don't want to be.
We are all a little weird & life's a little weird & when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them & fall in mutual weirdness & call it love.
-- Dr. Seuss
-- Dr. Seuss
Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired & discouraged people who kept on working.
I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, & too determined to be defeated.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
- Martin Luther King
- Martin Luther King
When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies.
~ Shakespeare
~ Shakespeare
In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
"I see them mostly because they are in pain. The others do well on their own but I see the ones who can not live up to the expectations that others excel in. I see them because I am one of them. I see and wonder how anyone could ever believe that God would damn children who have fallen and are crying on their knees. I will never damn you and even if I am gone someday, my love will be the decision that is set in stone, just for you. Rest assured, I learned my character, that is of the highest quality, from my father. I am who I am because he was before me and I learned the way that he established. There is no distinction between my love and his. Love is equal."
- Jacob Heynen
- Jacob Heynen
I'm mature enough to forgive you, but until further notice, I'm not dumb enough to trust you.
Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me.
~ Steve Jobs
The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.
Should you find yourself the victim of other peoples bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember this: things could be much worse. You could be one of them!
“That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending - performing. You get to love your pretense. It's true, we're locked in an image, an act - and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image, they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it, they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession.”
― Jim Morrison
"There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him."
– Antonin Artaud
– Antonin Artaud
Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason.
"Grades are a problem. On the most general level, they're an explicit acknowledgment that what you're doing is insufficiently interesting or rewarding for you to do it on your own. Nobody ever gave you a grade for learning how to play, how to ride a bicycle, or how to kiss. One of the best ways to destroy love for any of these activities would be through the use of grades, and the coercion and judgment they represent. Grades are a cudgel to bludgeon the unwilling into doing what they don't want to do, an important instrument in inculcating children into a lifelong subservience to whatever authority happens to be thrust over them."
~ Derrick Jensen
~ Derrick Jensen
Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong & the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.
Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder...
"You don't know who you are till you are able to see the amount of God's character revealed in you"
I choose;
to live by choice, not by chance;
to make changes, not excuses;
to be motivated, not manipulated;
to be useful, not used;
to excel, not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not the random opinion of others.
to live by choice, not by chance;
to make changes, not excuses;
to be motivated, not manipulated;
to be useful, not used;
to excel, not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not the random opinion of others.
Sometimes people put up walls not to keep others out but to see who cares enough to tear them down.
We may think we know what God ought to do in troubling situations, but we cannot know all that is at stake. Let's remember that with God, anything is possible--even resurrecting what we believe to be dead and healing what we perceive to be a hopeless situation.
Teenagers: tired of being harrassed by your stupid parents?
Act now! Move out! Get a job! Pay your bills while you still know everything!
Act now! Move out! Get a job! Pay your bills while you still know everything!
Each of us should carry a thankful heart for every “yes” we receive from God as an answer to prayer. We can also be thankful He doesn’t say “yes” to prayers that are not in agreement with His will—prayers that are based on our wisdom and not on His; that would bring leanness to our souls; that would put us in the wrong place; that would make us ineffective; that would bring us into wrong relationships; that would cause our hearts to cool; that would keep us from His highest and rob us of His best.
The libertine lives as though there is no God; the legalist lives as though he/she is God to everyone else.
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
~ Mohandas Gandhi
~ Mohandas Gandhi
Everybody is a genius!
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that its stupid.
~ Albert Einstein.
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that its stupid.
~ Albert Einstein.
“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.”
~ Audrey Hepburn.
~ Audrey Hepburn.
A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said: 'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together. So the doctor said: 'OK and what do you want me to do?' She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.' The doctor thought for a little, and after som...e silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.' She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request. Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms. The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child! 'I agree', the doctor replied.
The problem Christians have caused is that they don't get how desperately God loves us all and how high a value people have to Him! Obeying always follows relationship. If not the obeying will probably result in resentment and despair ultimately. That sadly is the equation of many churches. Obey and you will be loved. It's the same dysfunction as a boy that doesn't get his father's love. He will strive through performance to achieve something or become rebellious
I was shocked, confused, bewildered, as I entered Heaven's door, not by the beauty of it all, nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp--The thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics and the trash. There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice. Bob, who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on cloud nine, looking incredibly well. I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? I would love to hear your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake 'And why is everyone so quiet, so somber - give me a clue.' 'Hush, child,' He said, 'They’re all in shock. No one thought they'd be seeing you.'
JUDGE NOT!! Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Every saint has a past... Every sinner has a future!
Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - It has no point.
JUDGE NOT!! Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Every saint has a past... Every sinner has a future!
Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - It has no point.
Discord, anger and strife can't co-habitate with Love, Peace & Harmony, they will just never get along :)
Jesus calls us to remember that we are all God's children. Just as He loves all His people and is willing to forgive their sins, we must be willing to forgive others who have done wrong to us: Anger can consume us with hatred and block out the love of God. Whether between parent and child, spouses, friends, or nations, expressions of anger divide us and drive us toward open hostility.....
Authenticity - Having one face and heart holding the same thoughts, opinions & beliefs before everyone without tweaking or tailoring them to please one here and then the other there. What your best friends know "between us" is real.. why alter it to appease someone else or sustain their 'approval'... it always shows up anyway. Sincerity never promised popularity but does produce trust and consistency of character.
~ Dawn Schale
~ Dawn Schale
Churches run like a polished broadway performance...... Like a woman who is attracted to a slick, smooth-talking man who has no substance, we start falling for the church and in the end we get hurt when we realize that all that glitters is not gold!!!
The Adventure of life is to learn.
The Purpose of life is to grow.
The Nature of life is to change.
The Challenge of life is to overcome.
The Essence of life is to care.The Opportunity of life is to serve.
The Secret of life is to dare.
The Spice of life is to befriend.
The Beauty of life is to give.
The Joy of life is to love.
~William Ward
The Purpose of life is to grow.
The Nature of life is to change.
The Challenge of life is to overcome.
The Essence of life is to care.The Opportunity of life is to serve.
The Secret of life is to dare.
The Spice of life is to befriend.
The Beauty of life is to give.
The Joy of life is to love.
~William Ward
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