Sunday, April 22, 2012


I believe that a world that is finding its way away from friendship with the invisible, and towards friendship with each other, is on its way to peace. :)

It's just that it is hard to be friends with someone that never speaks to you or never makes itself visible in the painful times. I found that friends were there and loved but that believers would say "God loves you". I was like "Where?" and "Why believer are you not here with me?"
But if we shift what we waste on the wind.....and bring that energy to the heart of a friend....we will find that God was not in the wind but in the friend. I love you brother and I love you sister.
What defines the invisible that speaks? Is it from beyond us? I don't think so. Is it beside us? I think not. Is it separate in any way? How could it be? For I believe the words "In this one thing, we live and move and have our being". Is it an it or is it, actually an "I"? I AM that I AM.
If it is an "It" that only speaks in the house that is "I" then the it is all that is and "I" am nothing. To declare that I am nothing is to deny myself and if God can not deny himself, then I can not deny myself either. Am I not created in his image? But yes I know that this is no debate :) I just love to speak from the mind to encourage my heart and hopefully encourage the hearts of others ?
We are all correct in the way that we see from a point that is relative to our own soul. Any belief is regarded as righteous, if there is no law to dictate that it is wrong. We are each the judge of our own kingdom, that is us. We have the power to make our kingdom, a kingdom of heaven or a kingdom of hell.....or of love or hatred, is a better way to say it.- Jacob Heynen

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