Friday, June 17, 2011


The Widows Calling
" and Jesus sat near the treasury and many that were rich cast in much, and there came a certain poor widow and she threw in two mites, and he called his disciples and said .... " This poor widow cast in more than all of they, .... for they cast in of there abundance..and she of her want did cast in all that she had.... even all her living.   Mark 12: 42.......

God desires us to be free of guilt and shame, busyness and works, keeping up with anyone or anything. We need to be resting at the feet of Jesus, accepting and embracing each season he puts us in. This can oten be a most humbling test as he will often put you poor among the wealthy , lowly among the proud, or sick amongst the well.
This is to try you and prove you, whether you will serve man, mammon , image , pride, or whether like the widow you will give your all.
There are few of the widows. It is a high calling. The widows calling is a life of sacrifice...and by embracing it you will lose credit in the eyes of the world...but it pays big dividends in the eyes of God.
Many Christians want the best of both worlds...... one foot in the world and one in the Kingdom...but we were called to forsake all.   I choose to be like the widow....which can be done only by the grace of God.

BY Anita D'Ambrosie

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